New Liberty United Methodist

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It just drives me nuts! There's a white line at the intersection, which is there on purpose! The line is designed to guide motorists to stop before entering the intersection. The big fat obvious white line is intended to keep us back far enough to allow emergency vehciles and large trucks the turning radius they need. Last week I wached a motorist at a stop light. The car was completely past that big fat line. When a truck turning left needed more room, the driver of the vehicle in question was forced to back up - to the position they should have been in to start with! After the truck turned, the light still being red, sure enough that motorist went back to their original position fully across that line!

But then I'm guilty too. I have my own traffic enfractions from time to time - we all do.

The Bible is a book of guidance. It sets the paramaters of holy living. It's intended to keep us safe, help us be courteous and provide a clear path for others, just like that white line! And like the driver in question, we often cross the line to our own spiritual peril. When we have trespassed, we ask forgiveness, but then go right back to the positions we once held! What's with that anyway?

God's grace is good. God's grace is sufficient for all our needs. Paul highlights God's grace in Romans and then adds this note: "Shall we continue in sin? God forbid."

So pick up your life map (the Bible) and when you get to an intersection of life, be sure that you align yourself properly with God. It will keep you safe at the cross-roads of life!

Rev. Gary Greenwald

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