New Liberty United Methodist

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lessons in a Tub

Ever learn anything while surrounded by water? Having been a camp Director for a camp on the lake (Camp Findley) I've had lots of time in, on, around, nearby the water! In the story of Moses crossing the Red Sea, we have some "lessons in the tub." First lesson - you don't need a lifejacket when God is present. Israelites had no need to carry a lifejacket along, even though they were surrounded by water! So when our troubles grow too large, give up the lifejacket and listen to God's voice and direction! Second lesson: dry ground is good for marching! If the Israelites had chosen the apparent "easy way out" (returning to Egypt) they would have missed a great blessing. So their discovery of dry ground at the lake bottom, must have inspired their spiritual journey. When you're "walled in" by the water and the lake is rising - God's path will supply for you perfectly dry ground and great hiking conditions! Third lesson: if you are pursuing concepts of jealousy, rage, anger, you better keep your lifejacket - or better yet a submarine in the garage - you'll need it! God has a way of dealing with our negative emotions and reactions - something the army of Pharaoh would learn the hard way!

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