New Liberty United Methodist

Thursday, August 26, 2010

NLUMC Becomes "Proactive"

New Liberty UMC in Braselton is embarking on an adventure! This fall (2010) we began work with a church "coach" Rev. Jim Hollis. Jim is a pastor in the North Georgia Conference. He is a Conference Evangelist with a "twist." His non-profit "Proactive Evangelism" takes him all over the continental US coaching in the areas of church growth. In late September Proactive Evangelism will hold a "Discovery and Reflection" weekend at New Liberty. Each member, visitor, teacher, staff person and visitor will have an opportunity for personal interview. Shared visions and concerns will be raised up to trained "listeners" from Proactive. Following that weekend the trained visitors (4) will quantify the responses and bring back to us what we said to them! This will be at a Town Hall meeting Sunday October 24th. At that time a specific ministry vision will begin to form.

An intensive time of prayer precedes this work! The congregation is eager to discover our collective hope as we cast new ministry vision for the coming years.

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