New Liberty United Methodist

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lessons from the Life of Moses

The life of Moses is filled with twists and turns, coming closer to God, moving away from God. His life had times of great leadership as well as times of being isolated and alone. The life of Moses has many lessons for our current status!

We're preaching a series of sermons on the life of Moses during September and perhaps on into October. This coming week we're working on the story of Moses return to Egypt after a 40 year absence! In that story, his older brother (by 3 years) goes out from Egypt where he lived into the desert of Midian to find the younger brother Moses. How do you suppose these two were to meet up at Mt. Horeb, in the vast desert wasteland, after being apart 40 years? No GPS system, no chart and compass, no business band radio, shortwave, no twitter, no text messaging, no blog! How'd they do that? Moses knew the turf as he'd crossed it once already, but to Aaron this may have been all new. It was not new to God however. God knew the way of bringing a family together, so that they could share love, laughter and the claim of God on their lives!

Is it possible that God could lead you across the desert of a long-lost relationship, into the loving arms of a family member or friend? No GPS, just the grace of God and direction of the Holy Spirit. Is that possible?

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