New Liberty United Methodist

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lessons in a Tub

Ever learn anything while surrounded by water? Having been a camp Director for a camp on the lake (Camp Findley) I've had lots of time in, on, around, nearby the water! In the story of Moses crossing the Red Sea, we have some "lessons in the tub." First lesson - you don't need a lifejacket when God is present. Israelites had no need to carry a lifejacket along, even though they were surrounded by water! So when our troubles grow too large, give up the lifejacket and listen to God's voice and direction! Second lesson: dry ground is good for marching! If the Israelites had chosen the apparent "easy way out" (returning to Egypt) they would have missed a great blessing. So their discovery of dry ground at the lake bottom, must have inspired their spiritual journey. When you're "walled in" by the water and the lake is rising - God's path will supply for you perfectly dry ground and great hiking conditions! Third lesson: if you are pursuing concepts of jealousy, rage, anger, you better keep your lifejacket - or better yet a submarine in the garage - you'll need it! God has a way of dealing with our negative emotions and reactions - something the army of Pharaoh would learn the hard way!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lessons from the Life of Moses

The life of Moses is filled with twists and turns, coming closer to God, moving away from God. His life had times of great leadership as well as times of being isolated and alone. The life of Moses has many lessons for our current status!

We're preaching a series of sermons on the life of Moses during September and perhaps on into October. This coming week we're working on the story of Moses return to Egypt after a 40 year absence! In that story, his older brother (by 3 years) goes out from Egypt where he lived into the desert of Midian to find the younger brother Moses. How do you suppose these two were to meet up at Mt. Horeb, in the vast desert wasteland, after being apart 40 years? No GPS system, no chart and compass, no business band radio, shortwave, no twitter, no text messaging, no blog! How'd they do that? Moses knew the turf as he'd crossed it once already, but to Aaron this may have been all new. It was not new to God however. God knew the way of bringing a family together, so that they could share love, laughter and the claim of God on their lives!

Is it possible that God could lead you across the desert of a long-lost relationship, into the loving arms of a family member or friend? No GPS, just the grace of God and direction of the Holy Spirit. Is that possible?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Being the pastor of a small "country" church provides a wonderful setting for ministry! I'm loving every moment of service at the New Liberty UMC in Braselton, Ga. The choir is gracious enough to let me sing with them, and a few of the golfers think they can tolerate my lack of athletic prowess on the fairway! So it's a joyful place to serve!

New Liberty UMC is a warm and friendly place, with terrific vision for mission service, local hands on service, and personal caring. The Children's Place childhood development center is now caring for approximately 80 children from the area, so there are plenty of happy baby sounds next to my office.

Christy and I are thrilled with work done on the parsonage! It's a '60's ranch style which we've enjoyed making our own! A few pictures to hang this weekend and I think we've actually settled in! Molly (our Australian Shepherd) has finally made the adjustment as well.

Our next goal is to invite a few friends at a time for "house tours" so call the social secretary to get your seating chart arranged!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Joys of Cardboard!

I just hate boxes! I suppose that’s one of the reasons I’ve not moved very often in my ministerial life! Boxes full of things make my mind cluttered and anxious. During the moving process I’m just not a happy camper when I’m sensing dis-organization. My administrative interests become irritated when I can’t find a certain item, and the label on the box is of no help! Where did I put such and such? My poor wife, in spite of her tenderness and patience, the moving process is just not fun!
Bishop Mike Watson has appointed me to serve as the Senior Pastor of the New Liberty UMC in Braselton, Georgia (north of Atlanta along Interstate 85) beginning June 28th. The New Liberty UMC will be my 5th clergy appointment. So, ready or not, here comes the moving process!
When you next see me, I hope to have an outfit that matches. If you find me with one shoe that ties and another that slips on, just be polite about what you have to say! I’ll need your compassion, and Christy will need a hug!
I served 5 years in my first clergy appointment, 18 in the second, 9 in the third and just 15 months in the most recent. The first 5 years I served as the Pastor of a small country church. The next 27 years were spent in camp and retreat ministry; 18 years at one camp and 9 at another. This past year I’ve been consulting with a camp and retreat adventure conducted by the Mt. Bethel UMC in Marietta and the Northside UMC in Atlanta. So that really adds up to 28 years serving as an Administrator and/or Director of camp and retreat centers. I’ve loved the opportunity to encourage young persons in their spiritual and personal quests. Camping ministry offers a “prime time” experience in coming to Christ!
While I just hate boxes, I just love a new challenge! In fact, I often seek out something to challenge my mind or body, be it a golf course, a trout stream, or a carpentry project! So while I am not glad to pick up a box just now, I am delighted to pick up the challenge of serving as your Pastor. In the days and months ahead I hope to sit on your front porch, sip a sweet tea with you, and become acquainted with you and your family! And if you need a box, let me know, I’m eager to be done using them!