New Liberty United Methodist

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Contagion Begins!

When I think of people that have influenced my life, the list grows long quickly! I think of Bill Smith my Sunday School teacher, Rev. John Rough (father John) my pastor while in high school, Professor Larry Mullen my Bible intro prof, Wayne Ostrander a camping friend who made me accountable, Shirley Chastain who prays as if Jesus was sitting next to her...and many others! My spiritual walk has been influenced by each one.

Then I begin to wonder....who have I influenced for Christ - anyone? When was the last time I spoke directly to a person about their spiritual need and the provision God has for that need. Did I model a vital faith to anyone yesterday...last week...last month?

In February our church is looking at the book "Becoming A Contagious Christian." We'll review what it means to share our faith in a manner acceptable to us, and acceptable to others. We won't be banging on doors, parading in the streets, holding up signs or insisting that our unsaved neighbor kneel and pray. We will be doing some self-examination to see if our faith is contagious, kept in a box, reserved for special occasions, or simply a fraud.

One of the highlights of the month will be having visitors sharing their faith stories. If you're in church (I hope you will be) you'll hear wonderful stories, simply told, of how others have been led into a dynamic experience with Christ. Those stories of inspiration and hope, some coming from a seeminly hopeless situation, just might "trigger" your eagerness to develop your faith, share your story and ask yourself the question.....who have I influenced yesterday....last week...last month by shaing my faith naturally.

Someone influenced your faith - whose faith have you influenced?

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