New Liberty United Methodist

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Liberty UMC Moving Forward for Christ

Do you live in abundance?

Two years ago my phone rang. Craig wanted some help; I'm a sucker when someone asks for my help. An older couple needed to move their 5th wheel trailer. Craig knew I had the truck and hitch to accomplish the task. As I arrived at a campground Craig informed me that this coulple was living full time in the trailer. It was a dump to say the least. Surrounded by trash (which had to be moved to get to the trailer) and unpleasant odors from the many cats, sat an RV in very poor condition. The one slide out barely slid back in. As we drove to the new location nearby, the roof peeled up in the wind. On arrival we secured the roof and notified the owners that their home would not be livable much longer.

It was then I discovered that John had cancer; with short life span projected. His wife expressed appreciation. We left. A few days later Craig and I were back, attempting to waterproof what looked like a sprinkler can upside down! The rain had come through the roof, saturating the interior.

Abundant living. This family was in terrible poverty. There were no family members willing or able to help. When John died a few weeks later very few of the relatives were present for his funeral. My wife and I led the funeral service, prayed for her and greeted the 10 people in attendance.

John led an abundant life. He was in debt. There were no reserves. Medical bills amassed. Abundance was all around them.

Craig and I sorted through their only other belongings, a bin at the local storage place. Two big loads in my F-350 went to the dump. Craig sold a few items in a  yard sale and sent the check out of state to the new address of John's widow.

She lived in abundance. The family really did not want to take her in. She could not afford airfare to the home someone offered to share with her. Social Security was her only income, but she lived in abundance!

When we moved John and his wife that day, they expressed gratitude, asked us to pray for them, and asked if they could join the church. As a UMC pastor I could have taken them as members that very day (there is provision for that). I failed to do that. Following John's funeral my wife, Craig and I met her at the church, introduced her to the congregation and received her as a member of our family of faith, and as a member of our church. She lived in abundance!

The web site for UM churches led me to her new home town. A phone call to the pastor of a UM church there comforted me. John's wife is now in the hands of another caring family of faith.

In the midst of poverty, she lives in abundance. Abundance of fellowship, grace, compassion, caring, prayer and love. She is blessed and we are blessed to have moved that junky old trailer and those smelly cats to a new home.

Someday I'll meet John and his wife again - in heaven. They will both be rich beyond measure. Trash to treasure. Filth to heaven.

Are you living an abundant life today? In the midst of a hard economy have you taken time to thank God for the adundance with which you live? We are blessed. Not financially perhaps, but blessed by abundance none the less.